Tips For Making Soft Chapatis

Ingredients:Wheat flour/salt/hot water/some milk/oil (optional)

1.To get really soft chapatis, the trick lies in the kneading. The more you knead,

the smoother the dough becomes and the smoother the dough is, the softer the Chapatis.

Knead the flour into dough in the end, the dough should not be sticking to your hands.

If it does, add more flour and it should be almost like chewing gum. Knead at least for 15mins.

nother secret to soft Chapatis is using milk instead of water,to make the dough! When you're done kneading the dough and it is smooth, wet your hand with water and run it all over the surface of the ball of dough. Cover with a damp cloth and set aside for half an hour before using.

2.Make balls (u can make big or small ur taste)When you are ready to make chapatis, put the tawa on the stove and let it heat up

3.Roll into chapati - not too thick or too thin

4.Wait for tawa to be fully hot

5.Put the rolled chapati on the tawa

6. Wait couple of minutes and you will notice very small bumps and then turn to other side if this takes longer because the tawa is not hot enough, the chapati ends up being more harder and crispy like papad

7. On this side, use a damp cloth or paper towel and press around, while the chapati puffs

8.Finally, it is he heat, it should always be medium and DO NOT over toast chapati,

9.After all the chapati has puffed, turn to other side and repeating pressing with damp cloth

10. You can store in a hot box/casserole now as is or apply just little oil/ghee and store

Oil didn't make much difference to the softness, but does a bit to the taste and feel


Add curd to make the chappati soft sugar makes the chappati crisppy hot water makes it hot when the chappati is put in the tawa can see smoke escapwe when it subsides turn the chappati small bubbles seen on that side should be pressed with 3 turning the chappati is ready

Some more tips :-

Version 1

1. Warm a cup of water put it aside.

chapati flour

2. Grab some flour into the mixing bowl, a bit less (hmm, may be a handful) than what you actually need. This is the important bit as well so please make sure you are leaving enough room for that extra flour to jump in.

3. Pour generous amount of water into the flour while mixing with one hand. If you are not pouring enough water, then your chapatis will turn hard. Should be like Goldilocks!

4. Now you will see that the flour is a bit watery, so add that extra handful of flour to this dough. If you find it a bit sticky, its because you added a bit more than enough water into it, but this wont hurt your chapatis.

Thats all folks!

Version 2

1. Just use milk in place of water and you are done.

If you are not in hurry, then use water rather than milk. Milk has the quality of burning when placed on a hot surface, so when you put your rolled flour onto the not so very hot pan, it gets beautiful nice brown burns all around it even if the pan is not very hot.

rolling roti

But to get the same texture with water, you need to make your pan sit on full heat for atleast 10 minutes before you start making chapatis. Once you see that your roti is bulging up then flip it to the other side. Once you get the desired output, serve it hot!

rolled chapati


However, what I observed is, with milk, chapatis may quickly turn to brown than those with water, but these tend to not cook from inside and it looks very dry when you fold the chapati. But that will not, in anyways, alter the taste.

soft chapati

Don’t worry about the shape as long as you get them soft and yes, I am not a complete disaster!


If you feel a bit lazy to warm the water or use milk, then you can very well use cold water but remember to be generous while pouring water into the flour and only use very hot surface to make them.

Why do i get hard chapatis?

Simple! If you are kneading the flour with some water at a time, then you are ruining the chapatis.


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  1. Nice post about chapti. I like this dish. Thanks for sharing tips to making chapti so soft.
    Indian restaurants in Hong Kong


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