By: Sherin Mathew

Make the softest uzhunnu vadais - please try this!!

Urid Daal (Uzhunnu) - 2 cups (tea cups)

Savala - 1 small minced

green chilis - 2 minced

ginger - 1/2 tea spoon (minced)

curry leaves - 4 or 5 chopped
(just scissor them to bits with your kitchen scissor)

fennel (perumjeerakom) - 1 ts sp
(alternatively can use jeerakam too)

pepper corns - 1 ts sp

Oil to deep fry vadais


Soak the urid (urid normally soaks perfect to be ground in about 2 hours but the longer you soak the better the batter is) and paste it very fine with as much as less water as possible. if you blow over the ground urid it should fly up.

in a pan add 1 tb spoon oil, pop the fennel, pepper corns and add the minced onion, ginger, chili and curry leaves, add 1 tsp salt and saute till translucent. Turn off fire and pour this into the vadai batter and mix well. check salt and add more if necessary.

pour enough oil in a wok to deep fry the vadais. keep your palm over the oil (well not in the oil ) and feel the hot air over it to check if the oil is hot enough or just drip a drop of batter over the oil and see if it is hot enough.

now wet your palm in water and take a blob of the ready batter, put the batter to the other palm (also wet enough so that the batter slides off your palm) so now both sides of the vadai is wet. transfer the vadai again back to the first palm (wet again) and slowly slide it into the oil carefully without splashing.
take a plastic sheet peice or a foli paper, wet it, spread the batter on it, make the hole and slide it into the oil.

Fry them golden brown and serve with coconut, pudina chutnies. Ulli chutney is also a great combination.


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